Friday, December 21, 2012

Do YOU believe?

The end…of disbelief…

As entrepreneurs, we have an instinctive ability to suspend our disbelief in certain situations and ponder what could be or what might be. We refuse to listen to the voices that tell us something is impossible or unachievable. That’s why I was a bit dismayed when my son recently said he’s starting to get skeptical about the existence of Santa Claus.

To find out what parental measures I took to remedy this…AND to hear a very special holiday message from a very special someone…go to

Once again, all of us here at Mercantile wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Wishes and Merry Christmases…

‘Tis the Season, right?

This is the time of year when we make a point to remember the people who make it possible to do what we do — you and others like you. We have a clearly stated mission: to help small business owners create wealth through commercial property ownership by providing the smartest financing possible…and this is something we’re very passionate about.

World’s youngest entrepreneur…

What does this two-year-old girl know that you don’t?

I got an email the other day from Angela, who works in our loan closing department. She included a picture of her daughter, Kayla, who has taken to carrying around my new book with her. Angela said she even reads to Kayla from the book every now and then.

Now, Kayla’s only two years old, so she’s probably not actually processing how she can apply what I write about in my book and create wealth for herself. At least, not yet.