Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Perspective on Small Business Week…

What would small business owners themselves say?

This being National Small Business Week, there’s a lot of buzz coming from politicians about the importance of small businesses and the people who dare to create them. I came across an article written by Dan Danner, President and CEO of the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), about things that small business owners might say during National Small Business Week if they were given the media spotlight instead of Washington talking heads. Frankly, I think he’s spot on and I can’t improve on his sentiments, so I’ve re-blogged what appeared on three days ago — go here to read it and see if you agree.
Thanks in advance for reading, commenting, and sharing. And Happy Small Business Week!

Friday, June 7, 2013

“Join, or die…”

Small biz legislation that needs your support…

Okay, so the phrase “JOIN, or DIE may be a little severe, but I want to use it as a jumping-off point to talk about some small business legislation that needs our support. In a blog post from last month, I explained that the CREED Act is working its way through Congress and will reinstate the SBA 504 refinance program if it becomes law. Whether or not you’re familiar with the 504 refi program or the CREED Act, supporting its passage on Capitol Hill is a no-brainer for several very strong reasons.