Friday, September 30, 2011

The Small Business Jobs and Credit Act One Year Later…

Why America’s Small Businesses Need YOUR Help!

It’s officially been one year since the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010 was passed into law. While some good has come from it, there are a few things that have been pretty ineffective so far. The two things that frustrate me the most are the First Mortgage Lien Pool (FMLP) Program and the SBA 504 Loan Refi Program.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Commercial Real Estate Financing for Small Businesses is on the Rise…

Our office is buzzing today after being closed for the Labor Day holiday. I hope you had a nice, long weekend and were able to enjoy an extra day away from the office. I’m pretty sure everyone here at Mercantile spent yesterday relaxing and recharging since we just finished the most productive month ever for our company.